My association with MRUC India commenced sometime in late 1993 when Mr. Brahm Vasudeva asked me to assist in drafting its Memorandum and Articles and processing its incorporation under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. The Council has been rendering incomparable service to advertisers, publis ...
MRUC India is a pioneer body in Media Research and has done a splendid job in creating the world’s largest print readership survey. This survey has now become the currency over the years and is used by all stakeholders. I am honored to be associated with MRUC India which has made a huge improvemen ...
MRUC India over the years has been at the forefront of leading cutting edge marketing research for the entire industry. Over the last 2 decades, the IRS has been used by all industry stakeholders from agencies, to the media industry, to marketers and even social researchers. The evolution of the NCC ...
During my tenure, MRUC India took some very decisive steps towards revamping the entire readership measurement space. It was a generational leap of sorts with latest CAPI technology being used, enhanced security measures at all levels, enhanced samples, etc. Around the same time, the new NCCS system ...
MRUC India has been at the pulse of media research in India from its earliest days, even when sophisticated measurement tools did not exist. Despite the proliferation of data providers today, MRUC India’s IRS remains the most authoritative single source database for planners. Audience estimates a ...
MRUC India was formed in to make periodic research available to its constituents comprising of all the stakeholders in the advertising industry – the media, the advertisers and advertising agencies. I headed MRUC India from Oct 2005 to March 2010 and it was one of the most rewarding stints of m ...
One of the most challenging things for the MRUC India Board and the technical team is to provide a currency, which is acceptable to all constituents of the media industry. I have no doubt on the integrity and sincerity of the MRUC India team that works with a purpose and a clear target to provide ro ...
MRUC India has been the cornerstone of Media Research in India ever since it was formed in the early nineties. I have great respect for this not-for-profit body as it has relentlessly practiced transparency led by an unbiased approach. Its flagship study IRS is a true gem given its accuracy of data ...
The Indian Readership Survey has been the lifeline of media planning in India for more than two decades. From readership to other media habits to product consumption to durable ownership, IRS offers a wealth of data which forms the foundation of the media strategies for most brands in the country. O ...
MRUC India has played a pivotal role in media research over the years. While it has become synonymous with its flagship product IRS, MRUC India has been working behind the scenes to broad base it's offering to the industry and we hope to see a few new products in the near future. The soon to be r ...
MRUC India, the brainchild of dedicated and purposeful industry stalwarts, is an organization tagged with credibility of the highest order. Holding huge reserves of quality research in its domain, puts the Council in an enviable position. There can never be a better-defined concept of non-profit org ...
India’s Biggest and most Robust consumer understanding is back. I feel very assured as the currency has passed all the litmus tests of data quality internally and externally. Some hard decisions have been taken through the entire period irrespective of the cost implications. Greater levels of s ...
MRUC India has tirelessly pursued its objective of promoting and providing objective, state of the art media research for the benefit of its users. It has done this largely with the help of selfless pro bono time contributed by many of its members. During my term as Chairman, we were able to supplem ...
By the late 80’s the media scene in India had grown complex and clients and their ad agencies felt the need for robust data on all media to arrive at a quantifiable assessment of their media plans. This prompted the getting together of a few concerned ad agency heads along with major advertisers a ...
MRUC India has done tremendously well ever since it was formed in the early 90s. Its work in media research has helped its member companies develop credible business models and find solutions that trigger growth. I would like to thank the founding members, as MRUC India's success as an industry body ...
The constitution of MRUC India to provide credible, timely, unbiased, cost-effective and low-cost media research to the users as laid out by the founding members was a powerful statement of intent in an industry that badly needed it and attracted me to join the cause. As a not-for-profit body, MRUC ...
Media Research Users Council India has successfully measured the readership and viewership trends of a country as vast and complex as India. Run and managed by experts in publishing, advertising, and television industries, the unique concept of MRUC India is that it gets volunteers who dedicate thei ...
Mr Brahm Vasudeva asked me, sometime in 1994, to help form the Readership Research Users Council, as it was first called. My agreement was immediate. The cause was clear – the need for continuous and unbiased research into the media habits of people, linked to what they consume. The founders were ...
The genesis of independent media research took place at an informal meeting in the early 90’s between Mohini Bhullar, Marketing Director (India Today), Brahm Vasudeva, CEO Hawkins Co., and myself, representing the 3 user arms of print audience measurement. There was agreement that the National Rea ...
Over two decades ago, the Media Research User Council India was formed in order to generate information through unbiased research, that’s accurate, timely, consistent, economical, actionable and, above all, effective. To this end, the council has served the industry beyond all measures of expectat ...
I have been associated with MRUC India in different roles – as a media planner undertaking backcheck visits, as a volunteer for validating the products’ data, as a Techcom member, as Director General of the MRUC India and now as Techcom Chairman. One thing that hasn’t changed over the years is ...
MRUC India has enjoyed a legacy where no other industry body in the country has produced the depth of media studies on a continuous basis for more than two decades. Led by stalwarts from the media, marketing, and the advertising fraternity, the Council has fulfilled its core objective of providing g ...
I was invited by MRUC India to ratify one of the field briefing sessions followed by a field visit. It was a privilege to be part of this process, and what struck me was the field team’s adherence to the rules and regulations, especially rules relating to selection of households, CWE, and the righ ...